ACS Publications partners with Kudos to support SDGs

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Kudos and the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) have announced a partnership to increase the reach and impact of research relating to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The collaboration will see ACS Publications joining the SDG Knowledge Cooperative, an initiative led by Kudos whereby publishers join forces to help more people find, understand and act on research that will help drive progress towards achieving the SDGs.

ACS has identified seven goals that are “foundational to the work of the chemistry community”; Kudos will help identify articles published within ACS Journals with the greatest impact potential in terms of driving innovation, changing attitudes and, behaviours, and accelerating better outcomes. Selected articles will be summarised for broader audiences, and actively promoted to groups including industry, educators, policy makers and the media.

"Chemistry is fundamental to achieving many of the SDGs, from providing clean water to developing green energy solutions," said ACS Publications President James Milne, PhD. "This collaboration with Kudos will help amplify the reach and impact of key research that supports the SDGs, making Innovations more accessible and actionable for scientists, and for the many stakeholders who can accelerate society’s progress towards achieving the SDGs."

“The SDGs encapsulate the biggest problems facing the world today,” said Charlie Rapple, co-founder of Kudos and lead for its SDG program. “The research that will solve many of these problems is already underway – many of the solutions exist; our challenge is to make sure that those solutions are known about and being applied in the places where they are most needed. I’m excited to be joining forces with ACS Publications in our quest to maximize the reach and impact of research.”

ACS is a sponsor of Kudos’ ongoing research into how researchers, universities, and funders are aligning their work with the SDGs, offering actionable recommendations for stakeholders looking to engage with SDG-related opportunities. The findings from this study will be published next month.

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13 June 2024